HKUAA Connect with the Experts Programme (Virtual talks) Series 1: Career Skills Development
Hong Kong University Alumni Association

About the Connect With The Experts Programme Organised by the Hong Kong University Alumni Association (HKUAA) and to be launched in 2021, the Programme is a series of talks led by subject experts on various aspects of skills set, personal development and career trends, to help young graduates explore and understand your aspirations and industry sectors of interests.
Highlight of the Programme Series 1: Career Skills Development Series 2: Investment Series 3: Innovation & Technology Series 4: Start-Up
Post-Talk Networking Attendees of 3 or more talks in each series will be eligible to obtain a HKUAA Certificate of Acknowledgement (by attendance). An HKUAA Certificate Award Ceremony will be held at the HKUAA Clubhouse at the end of the first two series. All speakers and attendees will be invited to attend. |
Series 1: Career Skills Development
Registration Click above links and register for each individual talk. Registration deadline will be two days before the webinar date at 23:59. A Zoom link of the live session will be informed by email.
All HKU Alumni & Students can subscribe HKUAA Membership for FREE. If you have not registered as a HKUAA member yet, please click here for membership subscription.
For enquiry, please contact Mr. Michael Chow at or on 2522 6113.
Terms and Notes
*Only HKUAA members are welcomed to join this event, preferable to graduates in 2018-2020.
*We will advise whether you get place(s) in due course.
*Participants will be requested to open video camera during the talk. Those who are not able to open camera in the talk will be put in waiting room.
*During the event, please follow all rules and instructions strictly made by HKUAA or the service provider. HKUAA will not liable for any damage, injury or death that may be caused. *The remarks made by the guest speakers in the programme are merely personal opinions of the guest speakers and should not be taken as the views of HKUAA.
*The copyright of any material that will be used in speakers' presentations belong to speakers' asset. You are advised to seek written permissions to copyrighted materials when applicable. *HKUAA reserves all rights to make ultimate decision on all related issues.
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