(1) Professional Talk
主題:當機器人遇見味覺:電子舌頭如何準確地幫助配製安全、營養和美味的食品和飲料? Robotics meets Tastes : How the Electronic tongue accurately helps in formulating safe, nutritious and flavourful food and beverage?
Speaker: Dr. Carman Man (PhD in Food Science, HKU)
Languages Used : Cantonese supplemented with English
對於食品公司方面, 食品創新中心 (FIC) 積極支持各類食品界例如: 本地食品及飲料生產廠、食物餐飲業、食物批發及進出口供應商, 以透過引入全港第一部嶄新和專業的味覺分析系統,以幫助發展創新食品及技術和保質期測試等應用。
食品公司可透過此系統修改現有食品的配方, 使趨向產品更天然和健康。不但如此, 味覺分析系統更能幫助食品公司的新產品收集各項客觀的感觀數據, 從而發展更多創新食品和包裝流程給潛在顧客。食品創新中心(FIC)成立目的在於幫助食品業界增強其產品的競爭力和加強香港被稱為飲食天堂的美譽。本中心致力協助推廣食品相關的教育、培訓和與本地食品業界進行多方面研究, 以積極推動發展他們獨特而創新的產品、包裝和流程。
(3) 職業訓練局學生舍堂 (青衣) VTC Halls of Residence (Tsing Yi)(Please click)
Date: 5 August 2023 (Sat Afternoon)
Time of Assembly: 2:15 pm
Place of Assembly: Room 801, THEi Building,IVE Tsing Yi Campus, 20 Tsing Yi Road, Tsing Yi Island, N.T
Visit Duration: 2:30 pm – 5:00 pm (2 hours 30 minutes)
Event Rundown
Visit Venue: THEi 高科院 -食品創新中心 {
兼職業訓練局學生舍堂 (青衣)}
Venue Address: Room 801, THEi Building, 20A Tsing Yi Road, Tsing Yi Island, New Territories.
Fees: $25 per head including (1) Fee for Visit Venue is Free of Charge & (2) Fee for PayPal and Admin Costs: $25
No of participants: 30 at max (First-come first served at the age of 7 or above)
Medium of Instruction: Cantonese
Deadline for Enrolment: first-come first served basis until the quota of 30 is achieved.
(The visit will begin sharp at 2:30 pm and late comer will not be waited)
Notice: Please check your registered email as the receipt will be issued to you immediately after successful payment via PayPal Account or Credit Card option.
Note: No visit fee will be refunded as the visit itself is FREE OF CHARGE while the admin and Paypal costs of HK$25 involved will be refunded only when the visit is cancelled.
If you, as a HKUAA member, together with your friends or relatives at the age of 7 or above (5 at maximum), are interested in this event, please make payment through PayPal System – Visa/Master Credit Card acceptable under PayPal). All participants will be notified about the details around ONE week before the date of visit.
HKUAA Professional Get-Together Team
Note : Message from HKUAA (in Chinese only)
1. 參與者及同行 7 歲以上親友同意接受是次戶外活動,明白本人的健康狀況良好,適宜參加是次活動。如在活動期間發生意外而導致任何傷亡,參與者願意承擔責任,而不會追究香港大學校友會。
2. 參與者亦願意服從本會工作人員一切規則及安排。了解是次戶外活動是在戶外進行,對體能有一定要求。活動有機會在不同的天氣下進行,需要行走一定預計的路程。在活動進行期間,參與者絕對不能服用未經醫生認可的藥物,嚴禁吸煙、飲酒或使用任何興奮劑或鎮定劑。
3. 參與者及同行 7 歲以上親友同意授權香港大學校友會在活動進行期間如遇緊急的情況下,為參與者安排送院和接受治療,也明白到活動在戶外進行,對體能上都會有一定的要求。
Notice to Visitors from Visit Organizer
l Staff from the event organizer will conduct a guided tour in Cantonese on the day of visit. They has the authority to cease the visit if anyone fails to observe the rule of visit.
l The visit will be cancelled under adverse weather condition. This visit will be cancelled with no rescheduled arrangement. No parking arrangement is avaliable nearby.