[FULL]「活現十年.尚未完場」放映會 by HKUAA Green and Culture Group
This event has been full.
HKUAA GREEN AND CULTURE GROUP 「活現十年.尚未完場」放映會 了解北角皇都戲院前身 - 璇宮戲院及其創辦人歐德禮的故事
直到七十年代,歐德禮是連的士司機也耳熟能詳的一代娛樂大亨,今天卻無人知曉。他是皇都戲院前身 - 璇宮戲院的創辦人,五十年代戰後蕭條,他已一手引入多位國際知名音樂家,在那個白天上映黃飛鴻和林黛電影的大戲院,晚上有名家如 Isaac Stern、Fournier坐鎮,華洋雜處,雅俗共賞,只此一家。歐德禮是一個時代,代表一個被遺忘的美麗舊香港。
香港大學校友會感謝主辦單位 Walk in Hong Kong 預留30位門票給我們,並安排在播放電影後,有30分鐘的映後談,勿失良機!
備註:不設劃位,座位將由大會分配。一切安排皆以主辦單位 Walk in Hong Kong 為準。
Welcome all HKU alumni and students to bring your family and friends to join.
* Photos are provided by Walk in Hong Kong
ALL of our past events were FULLY BOOKED in advance. Please make your reservation RIGHT NOW!!!
Enquiries: Please email to or call HKUAA Administration at +852 2522-6113.
Please fill in the enrollment form below, first come first served. This event has been full.
***Payment Method 1 - PayMe***
Please make payment by PayMe via the following link:
This event has been full.
Please fill in the event date and participant name in the PayMe message.
*** After you pay, PLEASE SCREEN CAPTURE THE RECEIPT (or TAKE A DIGITAL PHOTO) and UPLOAD it at the enrollment form when you enroll the event. ***
***Payment Method 2 - Deposit to our HSBC Account (by ATM, Counter or Online)***
Please transfer the fee to the following bank account:
HSBC Account No:
Account Name: Hong Kong University Alumni Association
*** After you pay, PLEASE SCAN YOUR RECEIPT (or TAKE A DIGITAL PHOTO) and UPLOAD it at the enrollment form when you enroll the event. ***
Please KEEP your receipt. You will receive a confirmation once we have successfully received your payment.
Your reservation will be responded within 2 working days.
Always cannot catch up with the registration because it is full quickly? Let's join the Facebook Group of HKUAA Green and Culture Group to get our most updated information:
Terms and Notes
All HKU alumni, students and their personal friends are welcome to join this event.
You may visit our website before you enroll as we will update the event information frequently. Please note that we will not be responsible for any delay in the information.
During the event, please follow all rules and instructions strictly made by HKUAA or the service provider. Please act responsibly and HKUAA will not be liable for any damage, injury or any serious consequences that may be caused.
HKUAA reserves all the rights to make final decision on all related issues.
If you have not yet registered as a HKUAA Member, please do so at our website, FREE membership for all HKU alumni and students.
(*Note: All HKU Alumni are eligible to join, but you NEED to fill in an online application form and submit it for approval by HKUAA. Membership is NOT granted automatically upon graduation.)
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