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Hong Kong University Alumni Association

[FULL]26 Mar 2017 南丫島漁民文化環島生態遊
by Professional Alumni Group

26 Mar 2017 (Sunday) Lamma Island Eco-Cultural Trip

(香港大學校友會南丫島漁民文化環島生態遊 - 2017326 - 星期日)



26 March 2017 (Sunday)

Registration and Assembly Time:

9:30 am

Departure Time:

Sharp at 10:00 am

(No late comer will be entertained to arrive at the Aberdeen Ferry Pier near Aberdeen Promenade (香港仔海濱公園  香港仔渡輪碼頭集合 ). The ferry from Aberdeen Ferry Pier to Mo Tat Wan will depart sharp at 10:15 am

Assembly Place:

the Aberdeen Ferry Pier near Aberdeen Promenade (香港仔海濱公園  香港仔渡輪碼頭集合

(Make sure that you have located the correct pier as there are several piers along the Aberdeen coast and it might take 10-15 minutes to walk between each pier)

For details about the location of Aberdeen Public Pier, please refer to the information given below.



Ferry Pier Location

Ferry Service Timetable


10:00 am – 5:15 pm


l   2-3 hour Hiking from Mo Tat Wan (模達灣) to Sok Kwu Wan (索罟灣) in the morning,

l   Lunch at Rainbow Seafood Restaurant (天虹海鮮酒家) and Shopping at Sok Kwu Wan and Visit to Lamma Fisherfolk's Village (南丫島漁民文化村) in the afternoon.




HK$300 per participant (including free ferry trip, hiking trip, lunch, visit to  Lamma Fisherfolk's Village and basic insurance protection費用已包含文化村全日團體門票、專船接送服務及午餐費用). Successful applicants will be confirmed by HKUAA formal email.

No. of Participants

36 participants


Note: Please bring with mobile phone, suntan lotion, 1-2 liters of Water, some snacks, umbrella/raincoat, portable fans and hiking stick (if necessary) and first aid kit.

Note: Dressing and shoes should be comfortable and suitable for hiking purpose

(香港大學校友會) 南丫島漁民文化環島生態遊 -


登記時間: 9:30 am

出發時間:準時 10:00 am 出發

1000 – 1715

1000 香港仔碼頭(香港仔海濱公園  香港仔渡輪碼頭集合) 登船到南丫島東南側模達灣 

1030 由導賞員帶領探訪南丫島三大古村,細味古村歷史了解南丫自然生態的演變,觀望港島南區及石排灣景緻觀看火山爆發遺跡,認識香港毒草。

1230 於天虹海鮮酒家享用午餐客人可自由參觀南丫島索罟灣海味街。

(1) 白灼海生蝦 (2) 椒鹽焗鮮魷 (3) 清蒸游水海鮮 (4)香草牛油青口
(5) 蒜蓉蒸元貝 (6) 油鹽水浸蜆 (7) 得獎咕嚕肉 (8) 郊外靚油菜
(9)天虹炒飯 (10) 干燒伊麵

1400 登船到南丫島漁民文化村 – 由漁民文化村資深導賞員講解各個展覽館主題內容參觀海產廊內之罕見珍貴海產, 親身到餵魚區 (觀看大魚進食百態),參觀古魚船 - 體驗漁民升杋感覺, 深入了解漁民船上生活習慣進行漁民起大網遊戲 (看看大家有幾多漁獲)試玩無鈎釣魚遊戲,全體合照(集合參加者拍攝團體照)。

(1) 漁民文化村入場門票費用
(2) 文化村內導賞服務費用(廣東話)
(3) 免費試玩一次無鈎釣魚遊戲

1630 登船回程往返中環碼頭/尖沙咀碼頭。

1715 到達碼頭。

請3月23日前 (星期四) 之前 經網上報名,成功申請人將通過電子郵件確認。

注意: 參觀人士須遵守南丫島漁民文化村一切規則。 參觀人士必須照顧自身安全及個人物品,如有任何物品遺失或損壞,概不負責。 若遇上三號風球或紅色暴雨警告,行程重新安排行程。

Date: 26 March 2017 (Sunday)

Registration Time: 9:30 am

Departure Time: Sharp at 10:00 am

Itinerary :

10:00 -17:15 1000 Depart from Aberdeen ferry Pier (close to Aberdeen Promenade) and board at Mo Tat Wan on south eastern part of Lamma Island.

1030 Led by hiking guide to visit southern part of Lamma Island from Mo Tat Wan to Sok Kwu Wan , pass through the abandoned villages and beautiful and calm beach at the south.

1230 Enjoy lunch at Sok Kwu Wan Seafood Restaurant and walk around at Sok Kwu Wan

1400 Take ferry to Lamma Fisher folk’s Village. This Village is a showcase of the local fisher folk culture and the history of fishery industry in Hong Kong.

1630 Back to The Central /Tsim Sha Tsui Star Ferry

1715 Dismiss

Please submit your application via HKUAA website latest before 23 March 2017 (Thu), successful candidate will be confirmed by email.


 Participant is required to the rules of Lamma Fisherfolk’s Village

 Participant is required to take care of their personal belongings and safety, HKUAA will not be responsible for any loss or harm.

 In case of the adverse weather or Typhoon No. 3 is hoisted, the trip will be rescheduled.


Registration fee

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