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Hong Kong University Alumni Association

HKUAA Visit To Ngong Ping 360 Cable Car Garage plus Lunch and Round Trip Cable Car Tickets (standard cabin)
by Professional Alumni Group



Exclusive Cable Car 360 Garage Visit(參觀昂坪360纜車車廠)

for HKUAA members 

with collaboration of Ngong Ping 360

for Special arrangement in

Cable Car Garage Visit plus Transportation & Lunch


In collaboration with Ngong Ping 360, a half-day event will be arranged for the Car Car Garage Visit (參觀昂坪360纜車車廠) + Lunch at Ngong Ping Garden Restaurant (昂坪膳坊) plus Round Trip Cable Car ticket (往返纜車-標準車廂).


Date: 25 Nov 2017 (Saturday Morning)

Assembly Time: 9:15 am

Assembly Point: Exit B, Chung Tung MTR Station

No. of participants: 15 participants at least (with 40 max)

Medium: Cantonese (supplemented with English)

Deadline for Application: 22 November 2017 (Wednesday)


Fee Per Person: $462 per person (including HKUAA Administration Fee + Ngong Ping 360 Cable Car Garage Visit參觀昂坪360纜車車廠, Lunch at Ngong Ping Garden Restaurant昂坪膳坊午餐plus Round Trip Cable Car Ticket – Standard Cabin往返纜車-標準車廂)


(1) Market Price of Round Trip Cable Car: $290 per person

(2) Lunch at Ngong Ping Garden Restaurant (昂坪膳坊): $130 per person


The registration will start at 09:15 am on 25 November 2017 (SAT). We will leave for Tung Chung Cable Car Terminal Sharp at 09:40 am.


Itinerary - Time Schedule and Rundown


Time Period


09:15 am - 09:45 am

Registration at Exit B, Tung Chung MTR Station

09:40 am – 10:00 am

Leave for Tung Chung Cable Car Terminal

10:05 am – 10:30 am

Visit Cable Car Garage – (參觀昂坪360纜車車廠)

10:30 am – 11:05 am

Take Cable Car to Ngong Ping Village

11:05 am

Arrive at Ngong Ping Village

11:05 am- 11:15 am

Group Photo at Ngong Ping Village

11: 15 am – 12:30 pm

Lunch at Ngong Ping Garden Restaurant (昂坪膳坊)

12:30 pm

HKUAA Visit to Ngong Ping 360 ends


12:30 pm -

Participants can take Cable Car back to Tung Chung using the return Cable Car ticket after personal visit (自由行時間) at Ngong Ping Village, Big Buddha and Po Lin Monastery



Lunch Menu


明爐燒味拼盤(Assorted Barbecue Meat Combination)


寶雞丁(Pan Fried Fillet of Chicken)


中式牛柳(Baked Fillet of Beef w/Lea & Perins Sauce)


葡汁焗四蔬(Bake Assorted Vegetable w/Portuguese Sauce)


泰式魚餅(Thai Fish Patties)


雞茸栗米湯(Chicken and Sweet Corn Soup)


楊州炒飯(Fried Rice “Yeung Chow” Style)


精美甜品拼盤桂花糕, 椰汁糕香芒卷(季節限定) (Desert Combination)


Osmanthus Cake, Coconut Cake & Sweet Mango Roll (Seasonal)




Information Required for Processing During Application

(If you apply for your friend/relative above the age of 18 (5 participants at max excluding the HKUAA member), please also fill in the similar full set information during your registration by CLICKING THE BUTTON OF “Register Now” after payment by PayPal System)

(A) Name in English (the same as ID Card)
(B) Name in Chinese (the same as ID Card)
(C) Member or Non Member
) Contact Tel No.      

(E) Email


All successful applicants will be confirmed and notified by email around 1 week before the event day of 25 Nov 2017. No fee refund can be entertained except when the event is cancelled.


Please make sure that you and your friends can be available well before 9:40 am for registration. No late comer will be entertained and waited as we will leave for Tung Chung Cable Car Terminal on schedule at 9:40 am on Saturday (25 Nov 2017).



(1) Please be reminded to bring along with some water, snacks and umbrella raincoat sunglasses in case of unstable weather situation.

(2) Participants are advised to dress in suitable suit as there will be some distance to walk inside the Ngong Ping 360 Cable Garage.

(3) As it is the visit offered by Ngong Ping 360, we will follow the whole itinerary plan as designed.








HKUAA Professional Get-together Team


Registration fee

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