prepared by HKUAA
Online Registration
21 Dec 2024
Countries in Pictures – Travel Talk Series – A Visit to Normandy by Mr. Vincent WONG
Click here for details
27 Nov 2024
Karaoke Party and Alumni Get-together 27 Nov 2024 by Professional Alumni Group
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16 Nov 2024
A Quick Guide on World Religion for Travellers (Part 2) by Mr. Vincent WONG
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3 Nov 2024
HKUAA Hiking on 3 Nov 2024 (Sun) Discovery Bay -> Mui Wo
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26 Oct 2024
HKUAA African Food Tasting and Guided Tour to The Colours of Africa Exhibition
by HKUAA Green and Culture Group
Click here for details
26 Oct 2024
HKUAA Guided Tour to Exhibition Memento at Tai Kwun
by HKUAA Green and Culture Group
Click here for details
25 Oct 2024
Halloween Party by HKUAA Young Alumni and Students Group
Click here for details
22 Oct 2024
[FULL] HKUAA Dinner Talk - Beyond the Buzz: Unveiling the Realities and Misconceptions of AI on 22 Oct 2024 (Tue)
Click here for details
Hong Kong University Alumni Association

[FULL] HKUAA Visit To 晨曦島福音戒毒中心@西貢伙頭墳洲 (13 October 2018 - Saturday)


晨曦島福音戒毒中心於19684月在西貢浪茄灣設立,為男性吸毒者提供住院式信仰脫癮治療及康復服務。1976年獲香港政府批准遷往西貢伙頭墳洲,即現今之「晨曦島福音戒毒中心」服務至今。20067月正式設立南亞裔區,專為南亞族裔男性提供戒毒服務,運作模式與本地學員組別一樣。現時,本單位共分為三個組別:成人組 (23歲及以上)、青年組 (22歲及以下)和南亞裔組 (非本地學員)



13 October 2018 (Saturday)


8:30 am – 4:10 pm (Trip ends, subject to actual situation)

Place of Assembly:

西貢碼頭對出的空地集合 (小巴總站旁邊)

Registration Time:

8:30 am

Targeted Visitors

HKUAA members with their friends or family above the age of 9. They are expected to be physically active to walk on the rough pathway on Island. Parents are expected to take care of their children through the whole visit.


Max number per application

5 person or below via the application

by one HKUAA member

Targeted Number of Participants

50 (offered on first-come first served basis after registration and full payment via Credit Card on PayPal platform)

Application Deadline:

31st August 2018

(Application will be closed earlier when 50 quota is fully filled)

Application Procedure:

If you, as a HKUAA member, together with your friends or relatives at the age of 9 or above, are interested in this event, please fill in the relevant information during your registration by CLICKING THE BUTTON OF “Register Now” and then make payment through PayPal System – Visa/Master Credit Card acceptable under PayPal)

All successful applicants will be confirmed and notified by email around 1 week (6 October 2018 - Sat) before the event day of 13 October 2018 (Sat). No fee refund can be entertained except when the event is cancelled.


Operation Dawn – Dawn Island Treatment & Rehabilitation Centre


Town Island (西貢晨曦島 or伙頭墳洲)
Google Map:


上午 8:30

西貢碼頭對出的空地集合 (小巴總站旁邊)

上午 9:15

開船 --- 逾時不候、敬希垂注!


信息() 中國人組別、獻詩、見證分享




分組交流 (請注意發問之問題,不要涉及私人感情及提及外界發展,並多作鼓勵的說話。) 、環島參觀

下午 2:00

信息(II)- 南亞裔組別(會有翻譯) 、獻詩、見證分享







見證分享、環島遊 (讓探訪者體驗毒品禍害)

Medium of Instruction:

Cantonese supplemented with English

Fee Per Head:

HK$125 (Sea Transport, Insurance and Administration Cost)


l   All the participants need to prepare food and drink for lunch based on personal need during the whole day trip.

l   All participants need to take good care of their children and follows the itinerary and 「訪友須知」/ instruction from the organizers –晨曦島福音戒毒中心 and HKUAA.  


HKUAA Professional Get-Together Subcom

Important Note:

(1) Please read through all the section of晨曦島福音戒毒中心「訪友須知」and HKUAA Instructions at the end before submitting application.

(2) Failure to follow the relevant instructions from both organizers will lead to rejection of continuous visit on the island during the visit.


1. 在探訪進行期間,探訪機構及訪友切勿進行以下活動:
請勿明示或暗示可以為尚在療程中的學員代找工作/ (b) 請勿錄影、錄音、採訪/ (c) 請勿發放問卷/ (d) 請勿拍照 (風景、團體照除外)

2. 嚴禁携帶以下物品到晨曦島,請嚴格遵守,以免嚴重影響本會戒毒同學

(a) 毒品、藥物、香煙、酒類、收音機、電子遊戲機、棋類、紙牌、報章、雜誌、不良刊物、寵物/ (b) 含興奮成份之食品及飲料如可樂、咖啡、朱古力、香口膠等。

3. 以下裝束人士,不得上船,所交船費,概不發還,敬請嚴格遵守

(a) 吊帶背心或裙、熱短褲、任何低胸或透視裝束。因過船越艇不適宜穿裙 / (b) 參加人士如有特別需要穿裙,裙長必須過膝。建議穿著波鞋,勿穿拖鞋、滑底鞋。

4. 與本會學員接觸或交流時,敬請提醒各位參加者注意以下事項

(a) 請勿借出手提給學員使用/ (b)請勿給予學員任何現金,或有價值物品 / (c) 請勿單獨與學員合照 / (d)請勿與學員交換聯絡方法 / (d) 請勿粗言穢語 / (e) 請向學員多作鼓勵及說積極及正面的說話

5. 探訪時需跟隨本會所訂行程活動,不得離群,為免危險,請在指定範圍內活動。

6. 如遇三號風球或以上、紅色/黑色暴雨警告,是次探訪將會取消,並會考慮另行安排


Message from HKUAA (in Chinese only)

1. 參與者及同行9歲以上親友同意接受是次戶外活動,並清楚活動帶有一定之危險性。同時明白本人的健康狀況良好,適宜參加是次活動。如在活動期間發生意外而導致任何傷亡,參與者願意承擔責任,而不會追究香港大學校友會。

2. 參與者亦願意服從本會工作人員一切規則及安排。了解是次戶外活動是在戶外進行,對體能有一定要求。活動有機會在不同的天氣下進行,需要行走一定預計的路程。在活動進行期間,參與者絕對不能服用未經醫生認可的藥物,嚴禁吸煙、飲酒或使用任何興奮劑或鎮定劑。

3. 參與者及同行9歲以上親友同意授權香港大學校友會在活動進行期間如遇緊急的情況下,為參與者安排送院和接受治療,也明白到活動在戶外進行,對體能上都會有一定的考驗。

Registration fee

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