*** FULL *** 29 Aug 2012 Wednesday Bar Talk
Wednesday Bar Talk New core skills for leaders and managers in next decade: Project Management (PM)
Drink, listen and talk at the HKUAA BAR!!
August 29th, 2012 (Wednesday)
> 8:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. – Reception
> 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. – Function underway
> After 9:30 p.m. – participants are welcome to stay behind
> Pick a free drink and relax in the HKUAA Bar
> Listen to our invited guest and interact with him
> Share your thoughts and learn from other alumni
> Socialize and network with HKU friends
Topics & Desc
New core skills for leaders and managers in next decade: Project Management (PM)
Have you ever heard any new business proposal does not have budget, timeline/deadline, risk and working boundary considerations? Actually, these are PM basics.
However, as the globalized world has been becoming more complex. PM knowledge domain extends to cover stakeholder management, conflict management, program management, agile PM management ....etc As a new generation of leaders in one of the most advanced cities in the world, how can you miss these core skills?
Dr Kelvin Wan, will share with you what the most effectively way to acquire them.
GOOD NEWS : For PMP credential holder, this session also count as 1 Profesisonal Development Unit (PDU). Details will be released in the session. Come and take you PDU via laughing and drinking in our bar!!
HKUAA Clubhouse
Aug 25 or before : HK$60 per person, HK$50 in a pair
Aug 26 or after: HK$90 per person, HK$80 in a pair
Full - Thank you for your support!!
- Seats are limited and first-come-first-serve.
- No walk-in if the event is full
- Each participants can select one drink from the HKUAA Bar for FREE
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Our invited guest - Dr. Kelvin Wan, PMP, PMI-ACP, Senior Instructor, HSBC
Kelvin is a professional trainer. In last 10 years, he has been training 4000+ project professionals coming from US, UK, Middle East, Asia Pacific regions on soft skills, methodologies and strategies.
He is a practitioning-scholar. His recent research paper about Soft Competence for Project Managers has been accepted by a renowned US forum and published on Google.
He is also an experienced project manager. He was the global project manager in HSBC in 2007-2008 to rollout a multi-million USD learning project to 78 countries. In his current role, he is mainly responsible for overseeing the project professionals upskilling, capability assessment and PM curriculum development for the company.
Recently, Kelvin, VP Certification of PMI HK, has been the pioneer in the world acquiring the new PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP) qualification with the highest assessment results in all areas (tools, techniques, knowledge and skills).
** Organizer **
HKUAA Technology Group
Terms and Notes
All HKU Alumni, HKU Students and their personal friends are welcome to join this event. You can make one lump sum payment if you enroll with your friend(s). Please advise the name(s), email and mobile phone number.
Please note that payment is non-refundable. We will charge you only if has place(s) for you. However, you will NOT be charged when the event is full or/and no place(s) for you. We will advise whether you get place(s) in due course.
You may visit our website before you enroll as we will update the event information frequently. Please note that we will not be responsible for any delay in the information.
During the event, please follow all rules and instructions strictly made by HKUAA or the service provider. Please act responsibly and HKUAA will not be liable for any damage, injury or any serious consequences that may be caused.
HKUAA reserves all the rights to make final decision on all related issues.
If you have not yet registered as a HKUAA Member, please do so at our website, FREE membership for all HKU alumni and students.
(*Note: All HKU Alumni are eligible to join, but you NEED to fill in an online application form and submit it for approval by HKUAA. Membership is NOT granted automatically upon graduation.)
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