HKUAA Membership Card Replacement Campaign
HKUAA Membership Card Replacement Campaign

Thank you for your continued support of the Hong Kong University Alumni Association (HKUAA)! We are grateful to have you as our Ordinary Member!
We are thrilled to introduce the Membership Card Renewal Campaign to better serve the interests of members as our number grows significantly. We invite members to replace and upgrade their existing paper card with a newly designed plastic card with Photo Identity.
By joining this Campaign, you can enjoy:
You will be offered a new membership card by providing:
(1) Your most-updated personal and contact details in the application form
(2) Recent colour photograph*(soft copy) in plain background showing full frontal face of you
* Photo size: 40mm (w) x 50mm (h) or 1200px (w) x 1600 px (h);
* Max file Size: 5MB, Min Size: 600KB;
* File Format: JPG, JPEG, BMP, TIFF or PDF.
Act NOW:
Please fill in and submit the online application form at the link below:
We will process your application upon receiving all the required documents listed above. The card will be issued on first-come-first-served basis.
Yours sincerely
Membership Service
Hong Kong University Alumni Association
Tel: 3421 1218 (10:30 a.m.- 6:30 p.m.)
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