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10 Aug 2024
Countries in Pictures – Travel Talk Series – A Rendezvous with Guizhou (貴州邂逅) by Mr. Vincent WONG
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30 Jul 2024 - 31 Jul 2024
[FULL] 公暦與十二生肖農暦算法
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27 Jul 2024
HKUAA Gourmet Dinner on 27 July 2024 (Sat)
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27 Jul 2024
Popular Science Series – Paleontology in Pictures by Mr. Vincent WONG
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18 Jun 2024
Breakfast@Central - China’s Balancing Act: Regulating Big Tech vs Promoting Growth
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15 Jun 2024
New Graduates Welcome Party and HKU Alumni Prize Presentation on 15 June 2024 (Sat)
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1 Jun 2024
[FULL] HKUAA Guided Tour for the Exhibition Eternity in Transience at Tai Kwun
by HKUAA Green and Culture Group
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1 Jun 2024
[FULL] HKUAA Music Talk & Lunch on 1 June 2024
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Hong Kong University Alumni Association

[FULL]HKUAA Visit to WEEE·PARK (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Treatment and Recycling Facility) cum Eco Park Visitors’ Centre by Professional Get-Together Team (16/06/2018 Sat Morning)

[FULL] HKUAA Visit to WEEE·PARK cum Eco Park Visitors’ Centre by Professional Get-Together Team

(16 June 2018 Sat Morning) -



WEEE.PARK, the Government’s Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Treatment and Recycling Facility (香港首個廢電器電子產品處理及回收設施),was officially opened on 19 March 2018.


Recycled Electrical and Electronic wastes cover air-conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines, television, computers, printers, scanners and monitors. The Plant adopts state-of-art technologies and equipment for waste treatment of electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) and makes them into reusable materials such as plastic and metals through a series of detoxification, dismantling and recycling processes


Through this guided visit, the participants have the understanding of the electrical and electronic waste treatment process. The participants can witness the process of turning waste into resources on site in order to reduce environmental pollution.


Date: 16 June 2018 (Sat Morning)

Time of Assembly: 
8:30 am

Place of Assembly: 
Exit D of MTR Tsuen Wan West Station(荃灣西地鐵站)

(We will leave sharp at 8:45 am and take coach direct to WEEE•PARK and then Eco Park Visitors’ Centre in Tuen Mun. Late comer will not be waited.  Return coach will be arranged to travel back to Exit D of MTR Tsuen Wan West Station after the Visit)

Period of Visit:
9:30 am- 12:00 noon

Visit Venue:
WEEE·PARK (香港首個廢電器電子產品處理及回收設施)  (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Treatment and Recycling Facility) cum Eco Park Visitors’ Centre (環保園訪客中心)

$100 per head (the fee includes administration fee, coach travel and insurance)

(No fee can be refund after payment except the cancellation of the visit)

No of participants:
27 at max (First-come first served)

Medium of Instruction:
Cantonese supplemented with English

Deadline for Enrolment: Closed - FULL HOUSE


WEEE·PARK - 香港首個廢電器電子產品處理及回收設

剛剛今年三月十九日開幕的WEEE Park為香港首個廢電器電子產品處理及回收設施。WEEEPARK位於屯門的環保園,採用先進的技術和設備處理廢電器電子產品,透過除毒、拆解和循環再造等工序,把廢電器電子產品轉化為有價值的分類物料,例如塑膠和金屬。廠房設計亦結合了大量環保建築元素,並將按綠建環評標準認證。

Relevant Information about WEEE·PARK

Location: Lots P2-P4,Eco Park, 133 Lung Mun Road, Tuen Mun Area 38, N.T., Tuen Mun

Google Map Location:

Eco Park Visitors’ Centre - 環保園訪客中心

Eco Park (環保園) 係香港一個用廢物回收做主題嘅工業區,喺新界屯門區西便嘅龍門路第38區,有20公頃大,2007年開張,由環境保護署管。而家環保園主要回收食油、金屬、木料、電器、塑膠、電池、建築廢料、玻璃、車胎同廚餘。環保園訪客中心設有導賞服務,中心不設自由參觀。

Relevant Information about Eco Park

Location: 133 Lung Mun Road, Tuen Mun, New Territories., Tuen Mun

Google Map Location:

If you, as a HKUAA member, together with your friends or relatives at the age of 18 or above, are interested in this event, please fill in the relevant information during your registration by CLICKING THE BUTTON OF “Register Now” and then make payment through PayPal System – Visa/Master Credit Card acceptable under PayPal)

All successful applicants will be confirmed and notified by email around 3 days (13 June 2018 - Wed) before the event day of 15 June May 2018 (Sat Morning). No fee refund can be entertained except when the event is cancelled.

HKUAA Professional Get-Together Team

Note1: Message from HKUAA (in Chinese only)
2. 參與者亦願意服從本會工作人員一切規則及安排。了解是次戶外活動是在戶外進行,對體能有一定要求。活動有機會在不同的天氣下進行,需要行走一定預計的路程。在活動進行期間,參與者絕對不能服用未經醫生認可的藥物,嚴禁吸煙、飲酒或使用任何興奮劑或鎮定劑。
3. 參與者及同行18歲以上親友同意授權香港大學校友會在活動進行期間如遇緊急的情況下,為參與者安排送院和接受治療,也明白到活動在戶外進行,對體能上都會有一定的考驗
  1. 訪客中心(「中心」)設有導賞服務,所有參觀人士須全程由導賞員帶領參觀,不設自由參觀。
  2. 如申請團體的參觀人數如少於40人,中心有權將餘額分配給其它有興趣人士或團體。
  3. 參觀人士須自行安排交通前住和離開環保園,建議多利用公共交通工具#前往,減少碳排放。環保園設有兩個旅遊車泊位及少量私家車泊位供參觀人士申請使用。如欲使用汽車泊位,參觀人士須最遲於參觀日期前3個工作天,提供車牌號碼予中心以作登記,否則使用申請將不被接納。
  4. 根據《汽車引擎空轉(定額罰款)條例》,於環保園範圍內,任何駕車人士停車後必須關掉引擎。
  5. 由於前往環保園車程需時,請參觀者預留充足時間乘車,準時到達,逾時將不獲補發時間。
  6. 未經環保園管理公司許可,參觀人士不得進入或逗留在中心以外的範圍以及租戶用地。
  7. 嚴禁攜帶任何危險物品及攻擊性武器進入環保園。
  8. 嚴禁携帶動物進入環保園。視障人士的導盲犬除外。
  9. 嚴禁在環保園範圍內進行任何形式之銷售、宣傳或籌款活動。
  10. 中心範圍內不設餐廳及小食售賣機,訪客請自備飲用水。
  11. 中心範圍內嚴禁吸煙、飲食、亂拋垃圾、追逐及大聲喧嘩。
  12. 中心內不設行李寄存服務。參觀人士須妥善保管其個人財物,如有任何損壞及/或遺失,中心概不負責。
  13. 任何破壞環保園及中心設施、器材及/或展品的參觀人士或團體,須按市價作出相關賠償。
  14. 參觀人士須承擔因使用環保園及中心任何設施所引起的一切風險。
  15. 未經環保園管理公司許可,參觀人士嚴禁在環保園及中心任何範圍進行攝影、錄影及/或以任何形式的記錄作商業用途。
  16. 任何在環保園及中心內進行之傳媒採訪活動,均須預約安排。
  17. 活動領隊須負責維持其團體於環保園及中心範圍內的參觀秩序。環保園管理公司為保障其他參觀人士的安全及維持秩序,有權拒絕不遵守上述規條或進行任何危險或非法行為的參觀人士進入環保園範圍內,或要求有關人士立即離開。
  18.  惡劣天氣安排:8號或以上颱風訊號/黑色暴雨警告訊號發出後,中心會暫時關閉,所有受影響的參觀時段亦會取消,恕不另行通知。當8號或以上颱風訊號/黑色暴雨警告訊號取消後,中心會在2小時內重新開放;但若警告訊號取消時距離中心關閉時間不足2小時(即下午3時後),中心當日將不會開放,所有受影響的參觀時段亦會取消,恕不另行通知。


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