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Countries in Pictures – Travel Talk Series – A Rendezvous with Guizhou (貴州邂逅) by Mr. Vincent WONG
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Popular Science Series – Paleontology in Pictures by Mr. Vincent WONG
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18 Jun 2024
Breakfast@Central - China’s Balancing Act: Regulating Big Tech vs Promoting Growth
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15 Jun 2024
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1 Jun 2024
[FULL] HKUAA Guided Tour for the Exhibition Eternity in Transience at Tai Kwun
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1 Jun 2024
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Hong Kong University Alumni Association

Social Enterprise Talk -

Social Enterprise Talk - "Social impact created by successful social enterprises - HK examples" (社創-良心社會動力) (in Cantonese)

Social enterprises provide business solutions to address social issues and increasingly the format of organization has been utilized worldwide to drive social innovation and reform. This talk aims to broaden your understanding of the social enterprise and more importantly social entrepreneurship as an alternative way of volunteering to serve the community. Our speaker, Mr. Kee Chi Hing (紀治興先生), will combine his theoretical knowledge and practical experience in the field to cover various topics including:

  1.   Introducing the approach of social entrepreneurship
  2.   Social entrepreneurship vs. Social welfare
  3.   How to adopt the social entrepreneurship approach
  4.   Difference between volunteer and knowledge volunteer
  5.   Social impact created by successful social enterprises - HK examples
  6.   Q&A and Networking

Venue:                HKUAA Lounge, 1/F., Yip Fung Building, D'Aguilar Street, Central.

Date:                   June 22, 2014 (Sunday)

Time:                   2:00pm - 4:00pm

Fee:                     HK$30 (including 2 soft drinks)

Registration :     Please fill in the Registration Form

Enquiry : Email to or call Terrence at 65725372

Mr. Kee Chi Hing


Chair, Fullness Social Enterprises Society


Kee is an Adjunct Associate Professor of the School of Business in

Hong Kong Baptist University and is a columnist on topics related to

social entrepreneurship. His publications include “營商能耐可以改變

社會”, 20 Business Strategies for Social Enterprises, Fullness

Way, Social Enterprise and Spirituality, “使命商道”, 10% Swap

For Good, and Social Enterprise: Christian Practice & Reflection.

He is a member of the Social Enterprise Advisory Committee in

Home Affair Bureau, the Community Investment and Inclusion

Fund in Labor and Welfare Bureau; the Social Innovation Fund

Task Force in the Commission on Poverty, and the Digital InclusionTask Force of Office in the Government Chief Information Officer.


Before retirement, he was a Corporate Vice President and Hong

Kong Managing Director of Hewlett-Packard (HP) responsible for the

P&L of HK$4B business. Out of his 26 years in HP, 9 years was in

Beijing and 1 year in Shanghai.


He graduated from Hong Kong University in Electrical Engineering,

attended the General Manager Program in Harvard Business

School, got Master degrees on Christian Studies and on Theological

Studies both from Chinese University, and currently is pursuing a

Doctor of Education in Nottingham University. His interest is the

cross-disciplinary cross-sectoral approach on societal betterment.










退休前,任職HP 惠普環球副總裁及香港公司董事總經理,在香








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