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Popular Science Series – Paleontology in Pictures by Mr. Vincent WONG
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18 Jun 2024
Breakfast@Central - China’s Balancing Act: Regulating Big Tech vs Promoting Growth
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15 Jun 2024
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1 Jun 2024
[FULL] HKUAA Guided Tour for the Exhibition Eternity in Transience at Tai Kwun
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1 Jun 2024
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Hong Kong University Alumni Association

Pinhole Camera Workshop


Pinhole Camera Workshop
Learn to take ATTRACTIVE photos!


Sunday 28th, 2014 (Sunday)


14:00 p.m. - 17:00 p.m.


14:00-15:30 introduction and making pinhole camera at HKUAA Club House

15:30-17:00 Using camera to take photo around central and review the pictures together

Dress Code



This course help you to learn the pinhole camera well by really making one with your own hand. You will also get tips as well as techniques of taking good photos with a pinhole camera.

14:00 – 14:30 Brief history on pinhole photography
14:30 – 15:15 Making pinhole camera*
15:15 – 15:30 loading photo paper in camera (darkroom operate)
15:30 – 16:30 photo shooting downstairs near LKF
16:30 – 17:00 photo revision

* Camera designed by Martin, with simple paper folding technique, camera can be inserted with black and white photo paper only.


HKUAA Clubhouse


Photography lovers from any levels


HK$250 each




It is full. Thank you for your support.

Contact Person (Agnes Cheung)

**Facebook Page** 


  1. No walk-in.

** Instructor Biography **


張震揚 / Martin Cheung


78年香港生,修攝影藝術,喜暗箱作業,愛廣東燒味。。 2001年畢業於澳洲維多利亞藝術學院,榮譽學士畢業,主修純藝術攝影系。
張氏最為人津津樂道的針孔作品,是將燒鴨轉化為針孔相機,於墨爾本唐人街所拍下的概念性作品 ﹣ Duck Cam - Melbourne (2001) 。該作更為美國「針孔資源中心」 收藏品之一。


Born in HK 1978, graduated in Fine Arts Photography, works with Camera Obscura, loves Cantonese Barbecue. Born in Hong Kong in 1978, Martin graduated in Bachelor of Fine Arts (Honors) at the Victorian College of the Arts in Melbourne Australia in 2001.
Cheung’s best known work is Duck Cam – Melbourne (2001), a conceptual photographic work which he converted a Roast Duck into a Pinhole camera, photographing Melbourne’s Chinatown.
The work is collected by Pinhole Resource.

** Organizer **

HKUAA Technology and Operation Group (TOG)

Terms and Notes

All HKU Alumni, HKU Students and their personal friends are welcome to join this event. You can make one lump sum payment if you enroll with your friend(s). Please advise the name(s), email and mobile phone number.


Please note that payment is non-refundable. We will charge you only if has place(s) for you. However, you will NOT be charged when the event is full or/and no place(s) for you.  We will advise whether you get place(s) in due course.


You may visit our website before you enroll as we will update the event information frequently. Please note that we will not be responsible for any delay in the information.


During the event, please follow all rules and instructions strictly made by HKUAA or the service provider. Please act responsibly and HKUAA will not be liable for any damage, injury or any serious consequences that may be caused.


HKUAA reserves all the rights to make final decision on all related issues.




If you have not yet registered as a HKUAA Member, please do so at our website, FREE membership for all HKU alumni and students.


(*Note: All HKU Alumni are eligible to join, but you NEED to fill in an online application form and submit it for approval by HKUAA. Membership is NOT granted automatically upon graduation.) 




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